Whether you are an experienced boxer or just starting out, Combat Go’s customizable boxing workout generator can help you learn the boxing basics, improve your skills and get a great workout.

Our free web app allows you to:

  • Automatically generate workouts for shadow boxing and bag/pad work.
  • Practice punches only or add other moves to mix up your workout.
  • Set intensity, complexity and duration based on your skill level and training goals.
  • Preview your workout before getting started and get visual and audible prompts to guide your progress.
  • And, of course, the app can also work as a simple rounds timer if that is all you need.

How to Get Started with the Combo Coach

If you have been boxing for a while you should be able to jump in and start using our web app to generate workouts right away. Read our basic instruction for using the app here and tap the button above to launch the app.

If you are quite new to boxing, we suggest you read our series on “Getting Started with Boxing in Combat Go” first.  

Why Shadow Boxing?

Shadow boxing is a great way to practice form, technique, movement and balance for novice and expert boxers alike. It can be a full and effective workout in its own right or be used as a warm-up for other types of training. It is time and space efficient – you can work out anywhere you have a little room to move around; gym, office, bedroom, hotel room or outside.

The best place to shadow box, however, is in front of a mirror. When you are looking at yourself performing your combinations, you will be able to notice various flaws and nuances to your movements that while subtle, can be difficult to detect and correct. Another great aid is to record your session on video to review once completed.

By using the Combat Go combo coach you can focus and your techniques and movements, letting the app generate and call out the combos to execute. Give it a try today!

Want more info? ExpertBoxing has a put together a detailed guide to shadow boxing that we encourage checking out.

Final Notes

The Combat Go Boxing Timer and Combo Coach is still being developed. You may encounter some bugs or missing features. Please let us know if you come across an issue, have suggestions for a new feature or have feedback on the moves and combos we use to generate our workouts. Just use the Contact Us button at the top of the page to get in touch.

Please remember follow Combat Go on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date as we add new app features and workout suggestions.