Shadow boxing is a great way to practice form, technique, movement and balance.

It can be a full and effective workout in its own right or be used as a warm-up for other types of training.

It is time and space efficient. You can work out anywhere you have a little room to move around; gym, office, bedroom, or outside.

If you are new to boxing, tap on to learn the basics.


Get in depth guidance and practice the basic boxing punches and many more with the free Combat Go boxing timer and combo coach.

Before getting into the 6 basic punches, let’s work on the position of your feet and body (the STANCE) and your hands (the GUARD). A good boxing stance brings balance, stability and readiness. 1 - Place your dominant hand and foot at an angle to your target.

Stance & Guard

2 - Raise your dominant hand near your chin with your non-dominant hand slightly covering your face. 3 - Your non-dominant foot should be about shoulder-width apart from your dominant foot and angled slightly away from your target. All our instructions assume you are starting from this position.

Stance & Guard

You may have heard these terms, but what do they mean? Most people are right-handed and will naturally assume the Orthodox stance, with the LEFT arm becoming the LEAD and the RIGHT arm the REAR. Most left-handed people will switch this and assume what we call a Southpaw stance with the RIGHT arm as the LEAD and the LEFT arm as the REAR. We refer to LEAD and REAR in our instructions so these will apply to both stances, although our animations show an Orthodox stance boxer.

Orthodox or Southpaw?

Ready? Let’s get into the punches!

1 - Extend your lead arm straight ahead, keeping your fist in line with its starting point. ⠀ 2 - Return your fist quickly back to your face.

The Jab


1 - Pivot on your back foot as you rotate your hips, angling your body towards the front. 2 - As you pivot and rotate, extend your rear arm forward using your shoulder as the source of your power.

The Cross


3 - Rotate your body back to fighting stance and return your rear hand to guard position.

The Cross


1 - Rotate your body into a forward position to transfer your weight to your lead leg. ⠀ 2 - Bring your lead arm up to shoulder-height with your elbow bent at a 90-degree angle.

The Lead Hook


3 - Pivot on your lead leg while rotating your body to follow your fist. 4 - Your arm will remain bent at the elbow at a roughly 90-degree angle and your elbow should end up almost in front of your face as you follow-through.

The Lead Hook


1 - Bring your rear arm to shoulder height with your elbow bent at a 90-degree angle. ⠀ 2 - Pivot on your rear foot while rotating your hips and body.

The Rear Hook


3 - Your elbow will remain bent and should be almost in front of your face as you deliver the punch.

The Rear Hook


1 - Bend your knees into a low squat. ⠀ 2 - Drop your lead arm to a 90-degree angle from your body. ⠀ 3 - Using the power from your legs and body, drive your fist upwards into a punch keeping your elbow bent.

The Lead Uppercut


1 - Bend your knees into a low squat. ⠀ 2 - Drop your rear arm to a 90-degree angle from your body.

The Rear Uppercut